Exercise Library
Explore our comprehensive exercise database, meticulously categorized by targeted body parts. Within each section, exercises are further delineated into multiple or single joint movements. Multiple joint exercises engage two or more joints, known as compound exercises, while isolation exercises focus on single joints to complement compound movements. For optimal results, it's advisable to prioritize multiple joint exercises before incorporating single joint movements for each muscle group. Click on any exercise link to access detailed information on Google, empowering you to enhance your understanding and maximize your workout efficiency.
Multiple Joint Exercises
Single Joint Exercises
Multiple Joint Exercises
Single Joint Exercises
Multiple Joint Exercises
Single Joint Exercises
Single Joint Exercises
Curl, Spider, Dumbbell
Curl, Standing, Barbell
Multiple Joint Exercises
Single Joint Exercises
Upper Legs and Glutes
Multiple Joint Exercises
Deadlift, Conventional, Deficit (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes)
Lunge, Lateral, Body Weight (quadriceps, abductors, glutes, hamstrings)
Lunge, Regular, Body Weight (glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps)
Squat, Bulgarian Split, Body Weight (quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings)
Single Joint Exercises
Glute-Ham Raise
Single Joint Exercises
Calf Raise, Standing, Dumbbell, Single-Leg
Total Body
Olympic Weightlifting Exercises for Strength and Power
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